
very real news
Josephus Parker (left) and Walks-on-Snow at their home on the shores of lake Michigan, c. 1913


Very Real News was founded in Muskegon, MI in 1913 by Josephus Parker and his wife, Walks-on-Snow.  While Josephus was functionally illiterate and his wife a non-English-speaking Chippewa, their passion for cataloging and delivering the news to their neighbors outweighed their logistical shortcomings.  Committed to bringing only the very best, authentic and entirely real news to the local community, Very Real News flourished, and by 1923 was one of the most-read publications throughout the United States.

Very Real News continued its reputation for excellence by being the very first news publication to establish an online presence in 1993, abandoning its print edition entirely.

Today, Very Real News boasts a readership in the tens of millions worldwide and continues to be a beacon of trustworthy, honest journalism in an age of sensationalism and partisanship.  To this day, Very Real News adheres to the principles set forth by Josephus Parker in 1913.


“The news is a very real thing, immutable and constant.  To humble oneself in disseminating the news of the day to one’s fellows is to truly ennoble oneself, and to give back to the prestige of Man.  
Furthermore, no Ojibwe shall be in my employ, as they are scoundrels, and vile.”
-Josephus Parker, c. 1915




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